July 23, 2010

Something you should know about modern style

Modern style.

Development of new technologies, sci-fi movies and literature has a great influence on the furniture style. When you hear modern furniture or hi-tech furniture you imagine a sole-colored room, sometimes with a single bright, colored spot, with emphatic straight lines and strict atmosphere. Laminated floor, reflected ceiling and a slide door wardrobe are distinctive signs of a room furnished in modern style. These rooms become real illustrations to another “Star Wars” movie.

Designers try to diversify the combination of glass and metal for years, so the choice for new modern furniture is huge.

The main feature.

As it was said, modern style is very rectilinear. Any squiggles or curves are not allowed. Straight wall units, rectangular sofas and direct legs of furniture are obligatory. Asymmetry is allowed only for coffee tables; most of the times it is crucial to have something showing of in the monotonous background.


Lack of metal in modern style could be equal to lack of meat in steak. It is used everywhere, in fenders or in frameworks of every piece of furniture available in the room. Cold steel is also very popular. Stainless steel is used in glass coffee tables, leathers sofas and armchairs.


Try to eat a meal without salt, and then you will understand how a modern styled room could look without glass. Today’s glass which gets special processing is absolutely firm and safe, it is hard to leave scratches or break it. Doors, coffee tables are usually made of glass. A great addition to a room would be an aquarium or a glass vase.


Chandeliers and wall bracket lamps didn’t find a place in modern style. Lightings with stainless steel moved them off. Floor lamps with halogen lamps, planceers are usually made with use of stainless steel. You can’t really read books comfortably with these lightings, however with coffee tables or PC-desks made of steel it looks just great.

Bright spot.

It really should be. Unfortunately only one. One bright, colorful spot which will glow against the monotonous room. Otherwise your room will look like an aseptic medical station. Usually it is a bright red sofa or a rug with a huge pile.

This was a brief report about modern style, just remember that before deciding which style to choose, try to look through modern furniture with your own eyes, or hire specialists to help you.

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