August 23, 2012

Get yourself a free gift on Labor Day!

Dear Friends! announces a special competition for the "Labor Day" Write your favorite proverb or saying about work/labor in comments under the picture (on our facebook page) and the first one of you who gathers 200 Likes for his saying, wins $100 Gift Certificate (to spend at! Get yourself a free gift on Labor Day!
If you do not want to participate in this competition, just support one of the participants - put Like on saying or expression that you like the most. Help someone win a prize!

Use your imagination! You can compose a cool expression about Labor Day, or remember your favorite phrase. We are sure that cool and unusual expression will easily pick large amount of Likes!
(Hint: ask your friends to Like your comment, and then you will be able to gather Likes faster than other!)

We wish everyone who wants to win a success!
The winner will be selected on September 3

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